Monday, February 20, 2012

Can't share enough about Leena

Yippee! She is off of oxygen during the day, and I can see her cute little face now! She is still on it at night, but we are weening her slowly, so it won't be too much longer now.

Since we can see her face I took this as a perfect time for a photo op. My mom and cousin came on over and we got to work. There were far too many cute ones that I am having a hard time picking my fave. Here are just a few. The rest can be seen on my photography practice page.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Life with the baby home...

Man oh man it has been exhausting. I am finally to the point that I can stay awake during the day. Thank you Leena for only waking up once a night now!!!

It has been a wonderful kind of hell. Now I have two kiddos to try and wrangle and keep alive and happy. I'm gettin' it done, but it is quite the challenge. I think everyone with more than one kid should seriously get some kind of award because this shit is tough. Now that the girls are in a good routine it's better, but damn!

I'm on a my daily mini vacation as they both nap, so I figured why not get my blog on.

Leena is doing great and gaining weight like a champ! Her original due date was a couple of days ago, and she is almost like a regular newborn now. Well, she is aside from the oxygen and the apena monitor she is still on. Her home health nurse is having us ween her off of the oxygen though, thank goodness. Friday we are doing a room air trial to see if we can take her off of it during the day. I have my fingers crossed that goes well because lugging around that damn oxygen is killing me. As for the monitor we see the doc next month to see if we can take her off of that. I would love it because that is a pain to tote around too.

In other news Valentines day was nice. We went out for sushi while Todd's parents took care of the kids. I got s new camera bag and the best card in the world. I laughed for a food 5 minutes from that sucker. I'm apparently thr best girlfriend in the world because I got Todd a replica of Altair's (the Assassin's Creed dude) sword. He's pretty stoked about it.

Oh yeah, we are in the process of buying a house. We have the approval, so now we just have to find a place that doesn't suck.

Now to end this post with some cuteness