Sunday, December 9, 2012

Semester One - Done!

Oh man, it has been a long semester, but it is finally over!

I just turned in my English paper for my last final. I am pretty nervous about it, but I'm hoping for the best. I have a B in that class right now, and I'm hoping it'll stay that way. Right now that's my lowest grade, so I think I'll give myself a nice pat on the back for that.

The only thing I have left to do is go in for a final critique in my Art class tomorrow, and wait for my final grades to be posted.

This is a huge accomplishment for me, and I want to shout it from the rooftops.

In the past I did go to college, but I had a really hard time with attendance, still do actually, and I didn't do very well or just dropped my classed entirely. The online class option was a life saver for me this time around. I can hop online in the middle of the night, if I so choose, and get my work done then. Nothing was set as far as a class time, and I loved that.

I'm pretty excited for next semester as well. I'll have 2 online classes, and only two classes on campus. I think with only two classes, attendance shouldn't be that big of an issue, especially since they're at night. Not to mention I'll be taking the introduction to Surgical Technology class next semester. I'm pretty stoked for that. I'll get a nice glimpse into what I'll be doing after I finally graduate. Ugh graduation seems like such a long way off. Including next semester I have 4 to go, one of which is over summer, so I'm only really looking at a year or so. Not too bad.

Anywho, I got a new haircut, and yes, you'll be seeing it soon. My little cousin is in beauty school, and she needed someone to go in for her test. She passed, and I got a kick ass razored layer 'do.

Oh, and I just wanted to mention. Be on the lookout for a new beauty product review complete with pics. Get your sexy lips on after this one :)