Sunday, March 17, 2013

C25K week 1 down

This is a huge step for me!

I've finished my first week of training for a 5k!

Granted I only have to run 3x's a week, but I feel great about it. The last time I tried to run I went out once and that was it. This time I have a buddy to motivate me, and I am posting my runs on Facebook  I need to feel accountable for my exercise and calorie counting. Speaking of calorie counting, the Lose It! app rocks my socks. It gave me a daily calorie intake amount to help me reach my goal weight.

The week is over, and I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning, but so far I'm doing much better than I had expected.

I CAN do this, and I WILL do this!!!

Here is my progress up to date. I haven't weighed myself in the last couple of days, so tomorrow I'll get on it and see how I've done :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weight loss journey and my desire to run a 5k

I tell you, I have been sooooo very tired of feeling like a fat lump of lard for a while now, but I just haven't been motivated to do anything about it.

I've decided to make the change. While I was working at David's Bridal, I ended up losing about 6lbs just by getting my ass up and moving. That was the push I needed in the right direction.

I looked up the Run for Your Lives 5k and saw it was coming up in June in CO. I want to do it! Of course I am in no shape to run a 5k......yet.

I downloaded a few apps (c25k, Nike+, and rockmyrun) and set out on Monday 3/11/13. Today was my second interval run, and it wasn't bad. 1.84 miles in 30 minutes. I know I can do better, and I will! I am really excited about this zombie run and have wanted to do it for a couple of years now. I WILL do this!

On top of my running/walking, I am also watching my calories. I downloaded an app for that too LOL. Lose It! is pretty sweet. It has a barcode scanner so now I don't have to search or input my own foods.

Since Monday I have lost 1lb total, not bad for 3 days. Overall, that puts me at 7lbs lost in the last couple of months. Woot, woot!

I just have to stick with it, and I will!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

It's a new year. Hello 2013

We rang in the new year with great friends, and had a blast. Todd and I got a sitter and finally went out together. We went to a friend's house to eat, drink, and be merry.

I got myself all dolled up, which is one of my favorite things to do. I don't get to do it very often these days since we don't go out often, but maybe that will change this year. Hahaha with kids? Maybe I'll grow a money tree too ;)
I felt pretty! And did you notice how well my lipstick matches my earrings? That's a CoverGirl Blast FlipStick in Vixen. Pretty huh?

Any ways, people always say that a new year is a fresh start. I started mine by working on the 1st. It sucked since that was Leena's birthday. My baby girl is ONE! Her party is this Sunday, so I have lots of stuff to do. I did want to show off her cute as can be invitation too! I designed it just for her superhero themed birthday party. I went for a comic book look.

Cute right!?

Back to the new year stuff. I don't ever make resolutions because really, who keeps those anyways? Every year I just live my life as best I can. I know this year is going to be a busy busy one for sure. I started a new job, and I'll be going to school full time. *sigh* I know for a fact that there will be days that I don't see the girls except for the morning before I go to work. That kind of breaks my heart, but at the same time, some time away from them is good for me. All I can do is keep pushing until I finish school. In the end I'm doing what is best for my kids.

Moving along, if you haven't noticed, I haven't updated anything regarding my weight loss. I failed miserably. I got up to 8 pounds lost, and things went downhill. I've gained it all back. I suck! I really need to get on that though. Being at work kills me. I work at David's Bridal now, and that place is like a darn funhouse. There are mirrors EVERYWHERE! I'm not lying. I can see myself from everywhere in the store. Seeing yourself in that many mirrors all day is enough to motivate one to lose weight for sure. No promises, but we shall see.

I think that is enough rambling for now. It's late, and I need to get back to bed.

Happy New Year!