Sunday, March 17, 2013

C25K week 1 down

This is a huge step for me!

I've finished my first week of training for a 5k!

Granted I only have to run 3x's a week, but I feel great about it. The last time I tried to run I went out once and that was it. This time I have a buddy to motivate me, and I am posting my runs on Facebook  I need to feel accountable for my exercise and calorie counting. Speaking of calorie counting, the Lose It! app rocks my socks. It gave me a daily calorie intake amount to help me reach my goal weight.

The week is over, and I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning, but so far I'm doing much better than I had expected.

I CAN do this, and I WILL do this!!!

Here is my progress up to date. I haven't weighed myself in the last couple of days, so tomorrow I'll get on it and see how I've done :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weight loss journey and my desire to run a 5k

I tell you, I have been sooooo very tired of feeling like a fat lump of lard for a while now, but I just haven't been motivated to do anything about it.

I've decided to make the change. While I was working at David's Bridal, I ended up losing about 6lbs just by getting my ass up and moving. That was the push I needed in the right direction.

I looked up the Run for Your Lives 5k and saw it was coming up in June in CO. I want to do it! Of course I am in no shape to run a 5k......yet.

I downloaded a few apps (c25k, Nike+, and rockmyrun) and set out on Monday 3/11/13. Today was my second interval run, and it wasn't bad. 1.84 miles in 30 minutes. I know I can do better, and I will! I am really excited about this zombie run and have wanted to do it for a couple of years now. I WILL do this!

On top of my running/walking, I am also watching my calories. I downloaded an app for that too LOL. Lose It! is pretty sweet. It has a barcode scanner so now I don't have to search or input my own foods.

Since Monday I have lost 1lb total, not bad for 3 days. Overall, that puts me at 7lbs lost in the last couple of months. Woot, woot!

I just have to stick with it, and I will!