Friday, March 30, 2012

DIY Baby Wrap

I've actually had tons of people ask me how I made my own wrap, so I figured I would share my super money saving tutorial with the world. 

1. First off take a little trip to your local fabric store.
I chose to go to Joann's since I had a coupon on top of them having a killer sale. I scored my fabric for a grand total of $7!

2. Choose your fabric. This is a little tricky if you don't know much about fabric, so I'll make it easy on you. You want a jersey knit fabric. It's not heavy and it has a good amount of stretch. You can tell this type of fabric by the feel and the look of it. It feels and looks like t-shirt material, and the edges will roll instead of fray. Here are the edges of my fabric

3. Take your selection over to the cutting counter and ask for either 5 or 6 yards, your choice. I only used 5 for mine. I have some slack on mine but not enough to tie it in the front. So if you prefer your tie knot in the front I would go for the 6 yards. Here we go 5 yards of fabric

4. Here comes the hard part. Once you get your purchase home, make some room, and spread it all the way out. We are going to need some scissors here, so be sure to get those out as well. We are going to cut this bad boy in half to make 2, yes 2, wraps out of this fabric! You are going to want to cut it in half long ways, so that you end up with two 5 or 6 yard pieces. Here is a really bad  drawing to show you what I mean. We don't want to cut it wrong and end up with pieces too short. 

Cut along the dotted line

5. Phew that was hard work, so give yourself a pat on the back! If you're like me you are done at this point. If you want to get fancy you can sew a ribbon or tag smack dab in the middle of your wrap so that you can find it easier. 

6. Wrap and enjoy

Happy baby, happy mama!

If I get any responses I can make a tutorial on how to wrap it, but it's just as easy to search for videos on youtube.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2 year olds rock!

OMFG Lily is a riot. She farted really loud, and I asked her if she farted. She said no of course. 
Then I said, "Yes you did. I heard it." 
She starts clapping really loud. I just about died. 
I said, "oh is that what I heard," to which she replied "mmmhmm!"

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Baby Jekyll and Infant Hyde! The transformation takes place somewhere around midnight from what I've gathered. That is when my sweet cooing baby Leena is morphed into a being of unspeakable terror. She screams and cries for a good 5-6 hours. She stops when Lily wakes up thankfully, but that still means no sleep for mama. :(

I want my good sleeper back! She would give me 2 five hour stretches of sleep at night. This craziness started about 2 days ago. I don't know what to do. She is fed, changed, close to mama, and warm. WTH?!?!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My New Etsy Store

That's right, I opened up my own store!

I have some friends that do well selling digital files for birthday invitations and the likes, so I figured I would try my hand at digital files as well. I'm working on birth announcements, graduation invitations, and thank you cards. I figure when I finally get the experience worked up for a photography business I can sell these along side that. That's thinking ahead LOL.

I've got a small amount of product so far, but the ideas are pouring in for the birth announcements. The grad invites, not so much. I'm getting there though.

Now I just need to get more exposure. If anyone at all is reading this...... please share my store!

Here is a sample of my work

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thought for the day

Bulb syringe (aka booger sucker) = child torture device

On a side note, yay! I get to review a new product from BzzAgent. Be on the lookout for an update in my product reviews section.