Thursday, May 10, 2012

My first DIY furniture project

I upcylced? refinished? beautified? my old desk. I have no idea what the crafty term is.

You know those ugly brown metal industrial desks of like the 70's? Yeah I had one looked like this only longer. It came complete with chipping paint and all

I hated it, and I was a little embarrassed when people saw it or I accidentally caught it in pictures of my kids.

It wasn't ME

I decided to do something about it now that we moved into our new house (yes we bought a house and I didn't even blog about it *gasp*)

I went out and got some pink spray paint, some cute wrapping paper to match, some sponge brushes, and some Mod Podge. I got home and got to it!

You can't see the spray paint here because I didn't even think to document this over haul until I had already started painting.  It was Ballet Slipper Pink from Krylon

Sorry :D

First I set out painting that bad boy. I wish someone had told me to sand it down a bit before starting, or at least primer it. If you can't tell I'm pretty new at this stuff. Well here we are phase one in painting. I ended up doing about 3 or 4 coats to cover it all, and I ran out of pink paint. I ended up using some white that I had laying around for the inside part

Please pardon the bubbles and sidewalk chalk. Oh, and forgive my use of a cardboard box to keep the paint off of our deck.

After all of that darn painting I grabbed my scissors and measured and cut the paper. I left a bit on each side so that I could wrap the paper under the edges of the top.

Geez I'm messy. The crap sort of started to accumulate outside as I went along LOL

Any who...... on we go

I just slathered some Mod Podge on the top in 3 inch sections, and unrolled the paper I measured out as I went along. I tried my best to smooth out any air bubbles, but I knew it would still end up wrinkly. I had read that would happen on a Pinterest pin somewhere, but I don't recall what the project was. After all of that I just tossed some Mod Podge on the top, let it dry, and then did it again.

Here is the final product

Over all not bad for my first project. I mean it was a $25 desk, so had I screwed it up, it wouldn't have been the end of the world. 

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